Refer a Patient

Refer a Patient

To make a referral to our PAMAN Medication Support and Remlok services, please complete the form below and we’ll be in touch.

    If you have any questions or need clarifications please call on 07914 739355 or email

    Alternatively download our referral form and email back to us

    The PAMAN Implementation Process

    What happens after referral.

    On referral

    The PAMAN team will contact the referrer within hours to learn more about the patient, their situation, and to arrange a suitable time to visit them.
    We also look to contact next-of-kin or main carer where appropriate.

    For hospital discharge and urgent cases we can arrange an implementation visit within the same working day.

    Service Implementation

    The PAMAN team will visit the service user to assess whether the patient (service user) has suitable manual dexterity and/or mental capacity to use and benefit from the PAMAN system.

    We conduct a comprehensive medication review to ensure that prescribed medicines are dispensed and stored correctly. We remove discontinued medicine, and contact the community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy and GP to establish the correct medication regimen.

    Tailoring the service

    We show service user exactly how the PAMAN service works and agree medication administration times suited to his/her requirements.
    The monitoring is switched on and the service user starts to receive monitoring calls.

    Repeat Prescription

    We will remind the service user to send their repeat prescription form to their GP practice, and in many cases we will manage the process for them. This includes ensuring only the current medicines are included on the repeat prescription form, resolving issues, and making sure medicines are delivered on time.

    Contact Us

    We are always happy to help.

    • 0161 974 7190

      Call us to speak to a member of our team. We are always happy to help.

    • Email us

      Email us for general queries, including marketing and partnership opportunities.

    PAMAN and Eyezon Clinica and are trading styles of Medication Support Limited, registered in England and Wales with Company No. 11292493.

    Communication with PAMAN may be addressed from Medication Support Limited.