Managing Complex Needs in a Cluttered Household
PAMAN medication monitoring helps to achieve the best health outcomes for our Service Users.
The household environment is quite cluttered and disorganized, contributing to a chaotic atmosphere and an increased risk of falls. Both Dad and his son face individual challenges. Dad, who has had a few recent falls, has type1 diabetes, his limited dexterity makes it difficult for him to self-administer insulin so a nurse visits for injections. Social Services have arranged homecare and PAMAN has been implemented to support Dad’s medication and daily living.
Dad struggles with understanding his medication regimen and requires PAMAN oversight to take them correctly. His son, who has learning difficulties, also finds it hard to grasp certain caregiving tasks, which has strained their relationship. A recent morning started with both feeling frustrated, unable to locate Dad’s blister pack of medication. However, with the help of the PAMAN monitor, they resolved their differences by the end of the call.
Dad’s health issues have led to frequent concerns. He experienced sudden chest pain recently and our monitor advised a call to 999 and they would re-direct as necessary. It transpired that Dad had contracted COVID-19, complicating his health management further.
In addition, a recent fall resulted in a head injury, requiring a short stay in hospital. PAMAN monitors continued to call Son to check on his wellbeing while alone in the home.
Dad and Son have occasional outings with a support worker, helping them maintain a interests outside the home. During a recent outing, Dad’s legs gave way, highlighting the need for physical strengthening exercises, which he has now started.
The family dynamic is characterized by mutual support despite challenges. Regular calls have been equally beneficial for Son, offering companionship and structure, and Dad’s adherence to his medication has not only brought health benefits but has helped their relationship considerably.
District Nurse
Names and places have been changed to protect the identity of our service user. Images are not intended to portray our service user.