Managing Medication and Mental Health in a Supported Living Environment
PAMAN medication monitoring helps to achieve the best health outcomes for our Service Users.
DY is a resident in a supported living facility, receiving treatment as a Methadone patient and identified as at risk of overdose. Though he is resistant to regular carers, he benefits from the support of on-site staff and the PAMAN service assists with his medication management. To ensure medication compliance and safety, a remotely monitored medicine cabinet (REMLOK) was installed, securely locking all his medications, including Methadone, until his scheduled calls.
DY experiences significant anxiety and paranoia around his medications, often expressing confusion or agitation. The PAMAN team works closely with him, patiently going through each tablet and explaining its purpose. Despite his frequent attempts to refuse medications, the team proactively addresses his agitation, helping calm him to a state where he can safely take his prescribed doses. This process requires a considerable amount of patience and empathy to keep DY on track with his medication regimen.
Over time, the PAMAN team has developed an understanding of DY’s mental health patterns. During a recent episode, DY’s paranoia intensified, causing him to mistrust his medications and the people around him. Recognizing these warning signs, the PAMAN team promptly escalated the situation to his GP and referred him to the mental health team, advocating for urgent intervention.
The PAMAN team’s proactive and compassionate approach has been instrumental in supporting DY’s health and well-being, ensuring both his medication adherence and mental health needs are addressed in a timely manner.
Names and places have been changed to protect the identity of our service user. Images are not intended to portray our service user.