NB’s significant challenges with her health
PAMAN medication monitoring helps to achieve the best health outcomes for our Service Users.
NB has COPD, heart disease, and faces significant challenges with alcohol misuse. Her relationship with healthcare services is strained; she has often missed appointments and now her GP practice prefers she uses a walk-in centre or attends the surgery without an appointment. Additionally, she is frequently in contact with the ambulance service, often necessitating a police presence. NB’s son and neighbours provide support when they can, but her needs are complex.
The PAMAN team initially faced difficulties engaging NB, as she was often too intoxicated for effective communication. She was distrustful of her medication, believing it was controlling or harming her, and disposed of it on several occasions. Thoughts of suicide are a frequent issue for NB when she is intoxicated.
During one incident, a PAMAN monitor found her in a highly intoxicated state, threatening self-harm. The monitor quickly contacted a neighbour, who arrived in time to prevent a crisis. Alongside medication monitoring, PAMAN monitors provide NB with a sympathetic ear and ongoing encouragement, which has helped build trust and rapport.
Through persistence and compassionate monitoring, PAMAN has supported NB in improving her medication adherence and using her inhalers more consistently. Although she occasionally refuses her meds, leading to health setbacks, she is now generally more compliant. The PAMAN team coordinates closely with NB’s GP, pharmacy, son, and neighbours, offering essential support and intervening in high-risk situations.
Despite her ongoing challenges, NB benefits from a supportive network to help manage her complex needs.
Names and places have been changed to protect the identity of our service user. Images are not intended to portray our service user.